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Deine Idee ist nutzlos, wenn du sie nicht präsentieren kannst!

Lerne deine Ideen zu pitchen. Nicht nur mit Hilfe von Tipps und Tricks, sondern mit einer Methode, die dich dein Leben lang begleiten kann.

1M$ Pitching - Pitch Development for Entrepreneurs & Innovators


Buy the No. 1 book on pitching as a hardcopy in paperback format and become a 1M$ pitcher!

With this book you will learn
- how to develop your best pitch
- how to perform this pitch in front of an audience
- how to continuously improve your pitch and your pitch skills
Included in the book is the method for pitch development. This also includes access to the corresponding templates, which you can download for free here in this shop.


Read it now!
If you would like to read immediately, you can also buy an eBook version of the book here!


Choose your preferred language:

German: ISBN 978-3-9505521-0-2

English: ISBN 978-3-9505521-2-6

1M$ Pitching - Paperback Print (GB or DE)

€ 34,99Preis
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