Pitching is a skill!

"Pitch Development for Innovators" 

is the appropriate methodology.

Your idea is useless, if you can't communicate it! To you, your potential customers and to society.

Start developing winning pitches..., Yourself..., Without a guru telling you what to do.

Order the book on this methodology now: www.MillionDollarPitching.com

With the experience of pitching my own startups, of supporting the design of hundreds of pitches and of judging thousands of pitches throughout Europe and beyond, I can conclude only one thing:

Pitching is a skill that can be acquired.

Good..., Great..., Winning pitches can be developed by anyone following a structured methodology rather than a 10-slide deck template.

The methodology "Pitch Development for Innovators" has proven to work for hundreds of startups. 


Founders supported




Raised by startups after support
(if public & according to crunchbase)




Accelerators/incubators abandoned this methodology after first time implementation  

Contact me now to get an offer for:


- your individual support
- the perfect workshop for your portfolio of startups

